Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Next New Thing

I believe that technology and new media is always growing and will continue to grow as long as the human generation lives on. I would imagine the next new thing would be flying cars. Honestly flying cars 20 years ago felt like it was an impossible thing. It portrayed a sense of the future because it was something we never had in the present or past. Now at the way technology is increasing I believe that one day we will have flying cars and it will be a real life thing unlike scenes in movies of future flying cars or even in animation shows like Futurama. When flying cars enter the market then we would get a sense that we are in the future. Our kids and future generation might not even know that a car was used for driving on the road at some point. This is the power of technology and science which is why the world has succeeded in many ways.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

So far I haven't actually contributed to the class wiki but I have been doing research on ordering food online because this was my topic for the term paper. I will contribute by discussing the beneficiary of ordering food online and how we all can adapt to it. It is a big change in todays world just like how technology has expanded and changed over the course of time. I shall provide a page on ordering food online on our wiki and present the different steps/procedures of ordering food online.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing means when someone sends or shares files through one device to another through the access of the internet. One example could be someone sharing a video they found on the internet and sending it to their friend to their device.

P2P file Sharing is basically the same thing as file sharing but only focuses on two individuals. P2P file sharing is beneficiary to people because they can gain a lot just from a file being shared/transferred."People have swapped illegal copies of songs, television shows and movies on the Internet for years. The slow download process, often using a peer-to-peer technology called BitTorrent, required patience and a modicum of sophistication by users. Now, users do not even have to download"("Digital Pirates winning battle with studios"). This is an example of P2P File sharing because people just search for movies online for free on the internet without even downloading anymore due to someone sharing the file on the internet. Another example would be people taking out loans from other individuals which could be beneficial and risky at the same time.   

Monday, November 14, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy and Confidentiality is a big part of social media because it is embedded everywhere within. It can be dangerous at times because strangers can see what you are doing or even where you are which can be very scary. Someone can even take your pictures from your account and create a fake account of you and cause chaos. On social media a person can post or write anything they want because its is like the freedom of speech but whatever you post may be used against you. Each time a person creates an social media account they are required to sign up using their personal information which can be easily taken by hackers and identity theft can happen. It has become very easy to get your information from social media that its just not private anymore but open. So next time you sign up for something be alert on what they are asking for and if you trust them.     

Advice to Baruch College

I believe that Baruch should use new media to it full potentials. They can always email us but why not create a Baruch social media page where they can post news and updates. Kids are more into social media than their emails. Another advice would be why not have a chatting option online for services like bursar , financial aid , or TAP online during their regular hours from 9 am to 6 pm so that instead of waiting on line we can just ask our questions through chatting with someone from these offices. Baruch college should also offer more classes that are 100 percent online like CIS 3810 because its fun and it has more kids engaged rather than sitting in a classroom. You can learn and get the work done in your own pace but just before the deadline.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Creativity and New Media

All these new media apps has inspired people to be more creative and unique. People can now edit their pictures with different filters and editing tools. Snapchat and instagram allowed these different tools. The filter can make you look way better than the actual picture which is like escaping reality.

This is a snap of my picture just after I took it without any filters used. It is a little too real as you can see my birthmark on my face and details of my beard/eyebrows.


As you can see these are images with edited filters which totally changed the main image. Snapchat on the left is with a flower filter that makes your face seem more fair and lighter with some flower hat. My skin looks more clear despite the pimples and rough skin that is visible on top. On the right is a filter from instagram which wasn't finished but just to show the different tools they had like you can edit things like the structure, brightness, and adjustment etc. of an image.


Technology is becoming more creative day to day. All these websites motivate and influence people in creating their own ideas. Being creative is very essential because it can make a site or app even more unique. It lures people into surfing the website even more. You can see this example on the NY Times article "Twitter serves up ideas from its Followers" because it allows twitter followers to share their creative ideas which may be added to twitter. I think this is a great concept because it shows that twitter cares about their users and that any user can contribute to this infamous app/site. Being creative was harder back then but now thanks to new media it has been very simple and a lot easier. You can share your creative thoughts/ideas to people all around the world just by posting it online. Creativity catches someones attention like I rather be on someones blog rather than someones Facebook page because the blog would be edited with different colors/designs whereas Facebook is just plain and simple colors like white/blue all the time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

There are many different ways Virtual Worlds can be used. You can see the usage of these virtual worlds through the article " After Second Life, Can Virtual life get a reboot" by Diane Mehta. "It’s digital LEGOs if you will, but it’s a space for kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others to also want to build and create things". Kids can think and use their minds to build things at a young age. Other ways Virtual worlds can be used in education and delivery services. The pros are that it gives us social connectivity and ways to not being alone anymore. The cons could be that it is very addicting and you might feel like it is your life. You can see this through an article "I"ve been in that club, just not in real life" by Dave Itzkoff in the NY Times because it shows how a person can visit a club/bar without actually going there. He can make the bar and its surrounded using pixels. This can also show how virtual worlds can foster creativity because it allows the mind to think and create. I feel like the virtual worlds has a big impact in the near future because i believe there will be holograms and a person can visit/meet another person through their own holograms. This might take place in another 20-30 years.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Blog about Twitter

Twitter and Blackboard discussion are very different because on twitter you can address to certain pages/people by using tags where on blackboard you cannot. Blackboard is more simple and twitter is better with its color. You can post videos on twitter without just pasting the link like on blackboard. It is different than a in class discussion because you can actually follow and be followed by people/pages on twitter. Blackboard is limited whereas you can only discuss certain topics with your classmates but on Twitter you can discuss with anyone and can address towards anyone.

Social Networking Sites

The four social networking sites which I would be distinguishing are Facebook, Twitter , Instagram, and Snapchat. At the end all these sites/apps main purpose is for social networking but they work in different ways. Facebook is used for staying in contact with family and friends. Twitter is used to tweet stuff and more like a place for discussion. Instagram is used by taking pictures and keeping memories last forever which can be viewed by others. Snapchat is used for pictures at the moment and your daily activities. People would snap their food before they dig in for a bite. Facebook and Instagram can be used for even looking for the "one". You may find your significant other or might not depends on you. Overall I like Instagram and Snapchat because I love taking pictures.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Social Networking

Social Networking is very essential in todays world. It can benefit one in many ways such as meeting someone new and getting a job. "I was very impressed by that, that someone reached out to me, so to speak, with a position and looked at my background and realized there might be a fit here," LaSpina says. "And so I replied and conversations ensued from there, which became more and more positive.
LaSpina applied and he's now an employee of Osram Sylvania". As you can see according to "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt that it is easier for employers to get in touch with candidates and for candidates to get in touch with employers. More benefits can be like people can always have people to talk to and discuss certain topics with.

However just like for every good thing there is a bad side for it , social networking also has some negative effects. "Think students don’t care about online privacy? Think again, say two researchers who have published a new paper about the privacy attitudes of 18- and 19-year-olds" ("Who cares about Facebook Privacy? Students do" By Marc Parry). It is so easy to get stalked and creeped out by people on social network sites. They get access to most of your information and can figure out personal things like where you live, where you work , or where you go to school? These technologies evolved a lot over the past couple of years but I believe that it can actually increase and get better over the years.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blogs Vs. Wikis

Wikis and Blogs are very similar yet different. A wiki is almost like an website that can be accessed and moderated through many different users. A blog on the other hand is a website as well but more of a personal use like I would consider it as if its social media. "Topics are as varied as the humans who blog. In one of the first mainstream media features on blogging in 2000, New Yorker author Rebecca Mead explores the varied blog culture : she learns about a ladies - only bus in Bangkok and undergoes a burrito personality analysis ; she also delves into the roots of Blogger, exploring the love life of a principal in the process".("How can we measure the influence of the Blogosphere" by Kathy Gill) shows that blogs are like an daily diary which is being updated online and you can learn about many people and their experiences. Discussions are taken place in forums for wikis and in comments of a post for blogs. Wikis in general are more broad compared to blogs being simple.

Wikis I believe are more essential because it can provide information about the world. According to a New York Times article "Wikipedia to limit changes to Articles on People " by Noam Cohen " Roughly 60 million Americans visit Wikipedia every month. It is the first reference point for many Web inquiries — not least because its pages often lead the search results on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Since Michael Jackson died on June 25, for example, the Wikipedia article about him has been viewed more than 30 million times, with 6 million of those in the first 24 hour". You can just see the significance and rapid growth of wikis.

Convergence is very important in todays networked world because it brings people together creating interaction/connection. Different forums/ social media even connects people together. Convergence I believe is the key to interaction in todays world. Blogs can be used for collaboration because like for example you have your own blog and you comment on a specific topic which will lead to people seeing your comment and adding on to that. They may agree or disagree but it will lead to collaboration one way or another. I actually can't think of a new way to use wiki because I believe that it has it all.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Seamless/Ordering food online

My topic is Seamless/ordering food online services and how this service impacted the world. This new technology would be considered new media because the old media of this technology would be considered actually ordering something from the menu of a particular food place in person. I feel like this new media would grow more around the world in a rapid manner. Eventually it will fall and turn out to be an old media as a new media replaces it but that won't be until another five-ten years. The main place this new media has affected would be fast food/restaurants in lets say New York City or all across United States. It will eventually spread to other countries. The approach I would take towards this service in this particular area is that it has benefited us in many ways instead of harming us. 

CIS 3810

So far I am loving my CIS 3810 class at Baruch college. I am learning so much and experiencing different ways to use technology !