Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Next New Thing

I believe that technology and new media is always growing and will continue to grow as long as the human generation lives on. I would imagine the next new thing would be flying cars. Honestly flying cars 20 years ago felt like it was an impossible thing. It portrayed a sense of the future because it was something we never had in the present or past. Now at the way technology is increasing I believe that one day we will have flying cars and it will be a real life thing unlike scenes in movies of future flying cars or even in animation shows like Futurama. When flying cars enter the market then we would get a sense that we are in the future. Our kids and future generation might not even know that a car was used for driving on the road at some point. This is the power of technology and science which is why the world has succeeded in many ways.


  1. Hi Sayful, I believe I've read a tech news article early this year that flying car is no longer a dream, it is now very close to reality. In fact, the plan is to hopefully have it available in 2019 :) It will first be available as a luxurious expense for those who could afford it, but eventually it will become a norm!

  2. Hi Sayful,

    I really enjoyed reading your post and I totally agree with you.
    Growing up in the 90's I always imagined that when I will be a grown up I will own a flying car. I used to really believe that there is no way that there won't be any flying cars after the year of 2000. Along with the flying car, I imagined being able to fly to space whenever I want, just like booking a ticket abroad.
    I do believe that the two of the scenarios will eventually come true, we might not be here to experience it but it will happen eventually.
